I left my videotapes and recordings out on a hot day. Now, the shells have become warped, and the tapes won't play.
Heat is the enemy of recorded magnetic media. The Curie Point, or the temperature at which magnetic particles lose their magnetism, is about 140F. At this point, tapes will begin to erase themselves, and the plastic shells will start to warp. This damage can quickly happen in a closed car at the beach in summer. Recovery success will depend on how long the tape was exposed to these conditions, so keep your camcorder and tapes in as cool a place as possible.
My videotapes were recorded over accidentally. Can my recordings be recovered?
Generally, in the recording process, any previously recorded material is erased by circuits that scramble the magnetic fields on the tape to allow the recording of new information. Unfortunately, in most cases, the old content is gone forever.
My videotapes have been directly exposed to water. Are they ruined?
Not necessarily, but you should get your videotapes to a professional as soon as possible. If left untreated, they will dry improperly, and subsequently, malfunction, break, and deteriorate.